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Jack Hancock
September 12, 2024
Diving Deeper: My Second Month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride
Jack reflects on his second month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride. It's been a month packed full of learning, challenging tasks, and valuable experiences, which have offered eye-opening insights into the world of digital marketing. Highlights have included a weekly mentoring session with Pete, our strategic director and co-owner, which has been highly informative.

As I wrap up my second month as a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride, I'm amazed at how much I've learned and grown in such a short time. This month has been filled with valuable experiences, challenging tasks, and further eye-opening insights into the world of digital marketing.

Mentorship and Learning

One of the highlights of this month has been the introduction of weekly sessions with our strategic director and co-owner, Pete. With his master's in psychology and extensive industry experience, Pete has been an invaluable mentor. These sessions have significantly enhanced my understanding of fundamental marketing principles, adding important context to Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing. Pete's psychological aspects of marketing have given me a unique perspective on how to craft more effective campaigns.

Furthermore, I completed the "Paid Traffic Mastery" course offered by Digital Marketer. This comprehensive course has equipped me with a solid foundation in paid traffic strategies. I'm excited to share what I've learned with my colleagues through an upcoming presentation, focusing on the key insights I found most valuable.

Enhancing Display Campaigns

One of my main tasks this month was to identify scripts that could enhance our display campaigns. After thorough research, I successfully implemented a script for automatic placement exclusions. The real challenge was adapting this script to align with our campaign goals. This experience taught me the importance of not just finding tools but adapting them to fit specific needs. The benefit of this implementation is more efficient campaigns with reduced wasted spend on irrelevant placements.

Keyword Research

Keyword research has been another crucial area of focus. Our client, a leader in the macerator market, is looking to introduce new products. This task required me to dive deep into the industry, understand the target audience, and identify potential search terms that could drive qualified traffic. This research will be instrumental in ensuring a strong market entry for these new products.

Improving Ad Copy

Continuing from last month's efforts, I've been working on improving our ad copy. By replacing underperforming ads with fresh, more compelling content, we expect an uptick in click-through rates. This ongoing process of testing and refining ad copy has shown me the dynamic nature of digital marketing and the importance of continual optimisation.

New Market Opportunities

A new challenge I've taken on is exploring opportunities for our client in the bathroom market. This involves analysing previous Microsoft Ads campaigns and assessing their potential for translation to Google Ads. It's a complex task that requires careful consideration of platform differences and product-market fit. This project has broadened my understanding of cross-platform marketing strategies and the nuances of different advertising ecosystems.

Challenges and Growth

While this month has been filled with successes, it hasn't been without its challenges. Balancing multiple projects and learning new concepts simultaneously has tested my time management abilities. However, challenges have been invaluable learning experiences, pushing me to grow both professionally and personally.

Reflection and Future Outlook

As I reflect on this month, I'm struck by how much more confident I feel in my role. The hands-on experience I'm gaining at The Digital Stride is proving to be an excellent complement to my theoretical knowledge. I'm learning that digital marketing is as much about creativity and adaptability as it is about technical skills and data analysis.

Looking forward, I'm keen to delve deeper into the psychological aspects of marketing that Pete has introduced. I believe this will give me a unique edge in crafting more effective campaigns.

This internship is not just teaching me about digital marketing; it's showing me the importance of continuous learning, adaptability, and the power of mentorship in professional growth. As I move into my third month, I'm more motivated than ever to take on new challenges and contribute to The Digital Stride's success.

Jack Hancock
August 1, 2024
Jack's July Journey: A Month of Growth and Learning as a Junior Digital Marketer
Jack, a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride, shares his experiences from his first month at the company, focusing on Pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Under the guidance of Senior PPC Manager Amy, Jack has gained proficiency in Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Google Analytics 4, complementing his hands-on training with certifications and courses. Find out more about his experiences here.

Hello there! I'm Jack, a Junior Digital Marketer at The Digital Stride (TDS) with a focus on Pay-per-click (PPC). My journey began on July 1st 2024 and have had the privilege of working closely with Amy, our Senior PPC Manager, who is guiding me through this exciting journey. I'm documenting my journey at TDS over the coming months, sharing the growth and learning experiences along the way.

From day one, I immersed myself in the world of Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and Google Analytics 4, becoming proficient in these platforms. Through Google Skillshop certifications in Search Ads, AI-powered Shopping Ads, Display Ads, Video Ads, and Google Analytics 4 (GA4), I’ve gained a deeper understanding of creating and optimising campaigns, leveraging data-driven insights, and effectively targeting audiences.

Additionally, I have begun studying the ‘Paid Traffic Mastery’ course from Digital Marketer. My goal for this course is to provide me with advanced techniques for driving traffic and maximising Return on Investment (ROI). This complements the hands-on training I'm receiving from Amy, blending theoretical knowledge with practical application. The combination of structured learning and real-world experience has boosted my confidence and proficiency in managing PPC campaigns.

My primary focus has been on the processes we follow to optimise our campaigns, ensuring top performance for our clients. Despite limited experience at the start, I already have a much deeper understanding of paid traffic and how to execute essential optimisation processes, such as search query reviews, and ad copy reviews. The entire team has been instrumental in my development, and I've gained valuable insights from each member.

My proudest moments this month involved improving our campaigns by adjusting bids, replacing underperforming ad copy, and identifying new keywords to target. Amy welcomed my suggestions and, after discussing the thought processes behind them, agreed to implement many of them. Team collaboration has allowed me to deliver high-quality work and contribute positively to our clients' success - an essential asset at The Digital Stride.

However, challenges were not absent. Once, while analysing conversions year-on-year, I encountered data gaps due to factors beyond our control. This obstacle prompted me to seek guidance from Amy, who steered me toward the next steps to take. The team's assistance during times of challenge has been crucial in helping me along my development path. From this experience, I learned the importance of seeking advice from seasoned professionals who can offer valuable insights and help you find solutions.

As I move forward, I'm excited to be more involved in campaigns and witness the positive impact of my suggestions on our clients' businesses. Making a positive difference is crucial to me, and I'm eager to further develop my skills in paid search and refine my optimisation processes.

My month at Digital Stride has been both enriching and educational, and filled with significant learning and growth. Collaborating with such a supportive team has been incredibly rewarding. The key takeaway for this month is that, at The Digital Stride, we all work collectively to ensure we achieve the best possible results for our clients.

I'm excited to share more updates as I continue to explore and indulge in the world of digital marketing.